Saturday, March 26, 2011

Corporate Social Responsibility?

Last night I read an article in GOOD about how GE paid ZERO dollars in taxes this year (which references this NYT article). GE paid no taxes and in fact earned $3.2 billion in tax credits. This issue is still bugging me. I haven't done my taxes this year but I am sure will not have earned enough credits to pay nothing. 

I wonder, is it GE corporate responsibility to avoid paying taxes or is there is some social responsibility to paying taxes?

No taxation without representation... what about no representation without taxation?

Friday, January 28, 2011

If you could do anything, what would you do?

Before last year I don’t know that I ever truthfully answered that question. Then I got laid off from a job I hated but was too afraid to quit. So now, with no job in a terrible economy and a brand new baby, the world is my oyster.
What do I want to do? I want to work with creative, intelligent, energetic people. I want to connect ideas with problems and problems with ideas. I want to be on the leading edge so that I am running to keep up.  I want to be paid, handsomely.  
Well, let me back up.  I skipped the first part of that question, “If you could do anything…” That is a quite large premise to try to swallow, so let’s chew on it for a second.  Could I really do anything?
If I believed the answer was “no” that would mean right out of the gate my options were limited. But I know this not to be true. I know from instances in my own life that amazing, unexpected, seemingly impossible things happen everyday. I felt it when I sat in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower and I feel it when I watch the sunset over the Golden Gate Bridge. The impossible is so possible that it is cliché.
So the answer has to be yes, I can do anything. However, saying “yes” is a powerful statement, scary powerful. If I truly believe that I can do anything then what excuse would I have for not doing exactly what I want to do? None. If I can accomplish anything, why not set that target way up there?
So what do I want to do? I aspire to do big things, huge things. Things so big that even I cannot even imagine them yet. Net Zero Homes? Easy. Get rid of the internal combustion engine? Let’s do it. Creating clear metrics for measuring sustainability? Why the hell not.
I came to Presidio because I feel it is a place where people are looking to find answers to these questions and more. I value it as a community that will expand my view of what is possible. Most of all I see Presidio as place where I can inspire and be inspired.
How will I bring sustainability to my professional career? In every way possible. I would like to sustainability installed industries like TQM. I want to be a sustainability black belt.  In my vision of the future, if you are not sustainable, you are not competitive.
 (This post was part of  an assignment my Principles of Sustainable Management AKA PoSM at Presidio. The assignment was to speak with an authentic and persuasive voice on topics of sustainability and the story that led you to join the Presidio community.)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Presidio - New Student Orientation

So, today was the first day of a two day new student orientation for incoming students to the Spring '11 (C14) cohort for the Presidio Graduate School MBA program.  It was an very informative day; I learned about the school, the program, my cohort, my team and myself.  My team was made of dynamic and talented people. I am very excited to start the program.

I know that this is much of a post, but today was definitely a significant day and I just wanted to note it.  I'll try to put together a more complete post about the experience in the days to come.

Also, pretty random but I actually knew one of the students in from living in the dorm together in Chico. Crazy.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Jen Boynton at Triple Pundit wrote about How to Write a Successful Green Business Blog Post, which for me is very timely.  I read a lot of blogs and the tips seem pretty on point.

I'm not sure if I am really writing this blog for the consumption of others, yet.  It's funny to think about writing for an audience because I'm pretty sure the only person reading my blog right now is me.  Although my blog isn't intended as business blog I think I still need to remind myself; it is a blog, not a diary (and to post regularly).

Also, Triple Pundit... welcome to the Blog Roll.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Idea of the Day

Game Theory applied Energy Efficiency

Blog Roll Please

The Charter Members to my Blog Roll...

The Daily Dish - The blog of The Atlantic's Andrew Sullivan. He's one of the first journalist bloggers. Other than that he is hard to label. Sure, he is English and Catholic and Conservative and Gay but most of all he is just very dynamic. Dynamic makes for a very good read.

The Daily What - Internet meme/Pop culture geekfest.

SocketSite - San Francisco real estate news and architecture porn.

Coucoulest Family Ever! - The world's greatest, most amazing, beautiful, compelling blog in the history of blogs, internets or histories.

Back to School

I officially enrolled into graduate school today.  I decided to get an MBA in Sustainable Management at the Presidio Graduate School (There will definitely be more post on this in the future).

Of course, a big part of the enrollment process is the admissions essay. I actually really enjoyed writing the admission essay, it allowed me to collect my thoughts, put down my beliefs and set some goals. Below is (a slightly edited version of) my admissions essay.
     The two words “power” and “energy” are profound to me. In their basic definitions these words generally mean the same thing; the capability of doing or accomplishing something. In their mathematical sense power and energy – as watts and joules – are understandable, technical, and quantifiable. These two words become much more abstract when they are used in their philosophical sense, control and action. It is at the intersection of the two senses of these two words that I see opportunities emerging, which if driven by sustainable principles, will have tremendously positive environmental, social, and economic impacts. I am pursuing a MBA in Sustainable Management because want to be at the center of this intersection. 
     The smart grid is an example of a place where I see the two senses of power and energy intersecting. Another intersection can be found in the development of intelligent buildings and their use of Building Management Systems. The addition of information in both these energy networks is making the power we use more powerful. Information networks are being added into every level of our energy networks and the full integration of these two networks will have a radical effect on the way we live. Ultimately, I believe the advancements to our energy networks will be similar to “Web 2.0”, where the Internet evolved from a consumption based model to a participatory model. In the near future, our energy networks will also be participatory, as our actions will create information and that information in turn will shape our actions. I want to take action now in order to shape the future. 
     The smart grid is already starting to communicate information about the power we receive. This soliloquy of information is quickly growing into a chorus with the development of smart buildings, the expansion distributed generation, and the advances in energy storage. A major challenge ahead of us will be the successful orchestration of the information in the network, but when we are able to organize, analyze and act upon this information I believe it will have a disruptive effect on the way we use power. I want to prepare myself to take on these challenges. 
     Currently the smart grid attempts to provide real-time communication of energy cost, overall demand, and aggregate use. Unfortunately, this limited data has limited usefulness. I see us reaching a critical mass of information with the increase in use of Building Management Systems. The power of these systems is in their ability to collect detailed energy usage data from enabled devices while also providing operational control. In the future “information appliances” will replace thermostats and connect to intelligent appliances and other peripherals via Bluetooth, WiFi, or power line communication. These products will also interface with applications for your computer, mobile phone or iPad that will give the ability to monitor usage, create automation programs, or simply switch of them off. I want to develop responsible products for evolving markets. 
     Just as electricity can literally be transformed to fit any application, the information shared within energy networks should also follow an open protocol model. If the information in these networks is open and transparent we will not only be able to provide flexible and feature rich functionality, we will be providing a sustainable foundation for innovation. This is type of sustainability that expands on general definition understood today. I want to apply the principles of sustainability to facets of business beyond the environmental. 
     These are my goals and why I have chosen to pursue a MBA at the Presidio Graduate School. I am doing this because believe that sustainable principles are built out of need, not want. I am doing this because my LEAN construction background has taught me that inefficiency equals opportunity. Most of all, I am doing this is because in believe the idea of positive externalities and that sustainability can create abundance. I believe that the Presidio Graduate School and an MBA in Sustainable Management will give me the best opportunity to learn the skills, acquire the experiences and find the resources I need to make a positive impact on the world.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Idea of the Day

Smart Breaker Boxes

Origin of a Blog

So I am currently reading Where Good Ideas Come From by Steven Johnson (on my kindle) and this passage struck me,
"So part of the secret of hunch cultivation is simple: write everything down."
The passage was related to how Charles Darwin came to the Theory of Evolution while going through his journals during his return from the Galapagos.

I have tried to keep a journal, it was unsuccessful so I am going to try a blog.  I think a blog will be much more interesting because of the ability to mix media.  I will try to post something no more than every other day (we will see how that goes). Also, going to add at least 3 tags per entry.


I am really enjoying the book. It goes along well with The Medici Effect and all the Gladwells.

Here's a the promo clip for Where Good Ideas Come From.

Also, Steven Johnson was part of a discussion in the "What Does Technology Want" episode of RadioLab.