Monday, December 13, 2010

Origin of a Blog

So I am currently reading Where Good Ideas Come From by Steven Johnson (on my kindle) and this passage struck me,
"So part of the secret of hunch cultivation is simple: write everything down."
The passage was related to how Charles Darwin came to the Theory of Evolution while going through his journals during his return from the Galapagos.

I have tried to keep a journal, it was unsuccessful so I am going to try a blog.  I think a blog will be much more interesting because of the ability to mix media.  I will try to post something no more than every other day (we will see how that goes). Also, going to add at least 3 tags per entry.


I am really enjoying the book. It goes along well with The Medici Effect and all the Gladwells.

Here's a the promo clip for Where Good Ideas Come From.

Also, Steven Johnson was part of a discussion in the "What Does Technology Want" episode of RadioLab.

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